Every single image from this project was simply magical. Carrying life is magical!!! I’m forever grateful to this beautiful family for choosing me to capture it and ever more so for letting me share it with the world!

Every single image from this project was simply magical. Carrying life is magical!!! I’m forever grateful to this beautiful family for choosing me to capture it and ever more so for letting me share it with the world!
Marina is a happy person! And she radiates it in all directions. I got so much positive energy from this session. Marina took me to a beautiful location that perfectly reflected her personality. I now have a new favourite spot ;)!
Marina's daughter Masha was the coolest, most confident little girl, who absolutely loved the camera and the matching clothes with her beautiful mama.
It was absolutely amazing that Marina's mother was able to be part of this session. Such an important memory captured! It makes me so happy to think that perhaps 20 years on Marina's children will be looking at these photos and treasuring them forever :)
On her last stage of pregnancy she was still super excited and willing to go along with all my crazy visions (her husband will kill me when he sees these photos of her standing on the cliff! :D ) . But little Masha made sure her mama and her little brother were ok!
Tatyana contacted me several months ago to arrange a photo session but for many reasons we kept postponing it. Finally, right before they left Cyprus, we managed to find the time that suited us all. The shores of St.George area in Paphos were perfect for her beautiful family of five. The twins couldn't wait to run free. And we even managed to catch the last sun rays before sunset on the playground near Peyia.
Christmas is long gone but photos are timeless. Here's a small family session I haven't shared with you yet. Most of you have probably realized now that this little girl has been my most frequent model lately :) . Well I just can't get enough of her, how can somebody be so cute!